HVF Prosperity Smudge Spritz Maximize

HVF Prosperity Smudge Spritz

– Your Prosperity Accelerator –
Generates. Grows. Glows

Your Prosperity Programming. Feel the burst of 'Yang' energy and positive vibes energizing your space in just one spritz. Enter into a state of Prosperity with this invigorating potion. Use it to inspire new ideas and attract good rewards. Your abundance amplifier whenever you need it.

 Ingredients: Mandarin, Bergamot, Basil, Spearmint, Frankincense, Lavender, Rosemary, Witch Hazel, Distilled Water, Alcohol.

BRAND NEW LOOK + INCREASED VOLUME AT 150ML! (previously 100ml)

*Shake Well before use

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S$ 98.00

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