
Our Retail Store

55 Siglap Road
#02-21/07 Siglap Centre
Singapore 455871
Whatsapp: +65 9889 2486
Retail Number: +65 6449 9959

Opening Hours:
Mon- Sat: 12noon - 7pm
Closed: Sunday & PH
By Appointments

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use One Energizer with the other HVF Energizers?

Of course you can! We'd recommend using Aura Energizer first, as Aura Energizer works much like a 'cleanser' of lower frequencies for your energies. Followed by the HVF Energizer of your choice. We recommend using Protection Energizer as the last step in the daytime as it seals in your positivity & keeps your energies from draining out soon. Heart Energizer is usually recommended to be used last thing before bedtime, but if you’re going through an emotionally draining period, it’s good to use it throughout the day. 

  • Should I wait a while in-between applying the other HVF Energizers?

There's no need to. Just apply one after another or to your preference. Be your own alchemist!

  • Can pregnant ladies use HVF Energizers?

We'd recommend not to directly apply due to a change in skin sensitivity. Other non-skin-contact ways to use usually work well-diffusing etc. Please consult your doctor if unsure.

  • Shelf life of 1 HVF Energizer?

After breaking the seal of the Energizer, it's recommended to finish your energizer in 1 year. Otherwise, shelf life is 3 years.

  • How long can 1 10ml HVF Energizer last?

Following the recommended usage of 2 - 5 times a day, this should last 2 - 4 months.

  • Can I use Aura Energizer before sleep?

As Aura Energizer has energising properties, we'd recommend not to. Best for day-time or evening use. (Or when you need that boost for deadlines in the night)

  • Can I use Aura Energizer with the other HVF Energizers?

Of course you can! Aura Energizer works much like a 'cleanser' of lower frequencies for your energies, so we'd recommend using Aura Energizer first. Followed by the HVF Energizer of your choice.

  • How many times should I use Aura Energizer in a day?

The recommended usage is 2 - 5 times a day, depending on your daily requirement.

  • What’s the difference between Aura Energizer, Aura Energizer Gold & AuraChakra Supercharger Gold?

In terms of vibrations, Aura Energizer is a few hundred times higher than premium essential oils on the market. Aura Energizer Gold is stronger than Aura Energizer, with added functions like balancing heart & top chakras. AuraChakra Supercharger Gold is the strongest + functions of Aura Energizer Gold + improved wellness of better circulation, relieve pains & aches

  • Who can use "Everyday Stick-On Apps (SOA)?

Everyone! As each Stick-On-App (SOA) is programmed with the latest US Quantum technology, anyone and everyone can use the SOA. 

  • Does SOA have any side effects?


  • I have sensitive skin, is it still safe to use SOA?


It is tested safe for most sensitive skin types – but please do not use SOA for a period longer than recommended as your skin needs to breathe from time to time. There are rare occasions where the user’s skin itches a little after using, if that’s the case, no worries, just peel the SOA off and paste another one when the itching resides.

  • What is the Quantum Waves Technology(QWT) and Holographic Information Programming(HIP)?
  1. Quantum Waves Technology is based on the use of zero point energy and quantum scalar waves to program the hologram stickers with information data and energy.
  2. Holographic Information Programming (HIP)
  3. The SOAs are rectangular hologram stickers that can be programmed with information. Once programmed, the hologram stickers can be activated through pasting it on surfaces and/or acupressure points.
  4. The hologram does nothing more than influence the body, the vortex to function at its most efficient level.
  5. Holographic Information Programming (HIP) is simply the ability to store information data into a holographic sticker. While there have been many claims made about holographic stickers regarding their role in wellness enhancement; HIP does not ascribe any magical or mysterious properties to holographic stickers. Our SOA Hologram Stickers are chosen as a vehicle for their sheer properties of being an excellent storage and transfer device.
  6. It is the unique HIP process birthed from QWT Quantum Waves Technology that makes the SOA Hologram Stickers unique.
  7. Hologram Stickers can be encoded with information and data. The Information and data from biologicals are extracted using the Quantum Waves Technology (QWT) and then stored into the hologram sticker.
  8. The hologram sticker acts as a capacitor that discharges infinitely small, but significant, electrical signals in response to subtle temperature. The Sticker also acts as an antenna and emits quantum waves once activated.
  9. Note:Up to date, the precise mechanism of how data gets transferred is still debated amongst quantum physics experts, and continuous experiments and research are being designed to determine what actually happens quantumly.
  • What is in the SOA Hologram Sticker?
  1. Each SOA Hologram Sticker is programmed and stores within it, intrinsic data information, carefully engineered to provide solutions for different functions.
  2. For over 6000 years, various cultures have understood that objects and natural sensations influence our daily lives with their colour, sound, design, etc. With the advances of science we are able to capture these natural influences and create ways to store and retrieve this information using our proprietary holograms.  
  • How does the SOA Hologram Sticker work?
  1. Hologram stickers are chosen as a delivery vehicle to relay information to the human body due to their storage and retrieval properties. Basic design elements in the SOA Hologram Sticker incorporates colour, geometry and symbols lasered into 3 layers within the sticker.
  2. Holographic Data Storage: As holograms evolved they have the potential to become the next generation of popular storage media, with far more storage capacity and faster transfer rates than today’s technology of HD-DVD and Blu-ray. Hologram stickers contain crystal fields within that makes them excellent as a information carrier and storage.
  3. Hologram Security: Every SOA Hologram Sticker is created with laser technologies designed with Quantum Easy proprietary images in three-dimensions. Just as credit cards, currency notes use high-security holographic images for security reason, Quantum Easy SOA hologram stickers are secured to ensure that our products are genuine and prevents counterfeit copies.
  4. The information recorded and encrypted within the SOA Hologram Sticker, is much like saving a music file into your computer’s hard drive. Once the SOA is activated, it is like music being broadcast when it is played from the computer.
  • Does anything enter my body?

Nothing enters the body; the SOA Hologram Sticker is non-transdermal.

  • How long does the SOA Hologram Sticker last?
  1. Depending on the different uses, the SOA Hologram Sticker is able to last between 12 hours to 10 years.  e.g SOA Hologram stickers used on the body is programmed for 12 hours, after which we recommend that you remove them or change a new SOA. SOAs for Everyday EMF Protector lasts for 10 years once it’s peeled and pasted on the surface. Details of how long the SOA lasts is found on the label and information sheet of the product.
  2. Do note: ALL SOA Hologram Stickers work the moment it is peeled and pasted on a surface, however, once it is peeled off from the surface- it loses the information and the sticker is considered void.
  • How will I feel when I am wearing or sticking the SOA Hologram Sticker?
  1. The SOA Hologram Stickers are neither stimulants nor depressants, and contain no chemicals. Therefore, one would likely not feel anything. 
  2. Please note: We make NO medical claims and the SOAs are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any ailment or disease and are experimental in nature. Do read our disclaimers & terms for more information.
  • Can I travel with my SOA Hologram Stickers?

Most certainly, they are meant to be your performance partner, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.

  • Can the SOA Hologram Sticker pass through the X-ray machines at the airports?

YES, the SOA Hologram Stickers will not be affected by the x-ray machines.

  • Where do I paste the SOA Hologram Stickers on?

Different SOA stickers come with different functions. Some can be on personal effects, some on physical objects and some on the body. Every SOA comes with information sheet with instructions. Please check and use with discretion.

  • What if I do not know where the Meridian points are?

No worries, every SOA Hologram Sticker pack comes with an information sheet that will show with illustrations where you should paste them.

  • Are the SOA Hologram Stickers laboratory tested?

All the SOA Holograms have been tested to be Non-Hazardous & Safe by
TUV SUD PSB, international testing body. Results can be found here.

  • Are the SOA Hologram Stickers safe for children?

The SOAs are certified non-hazardous and safe, contains no chemicals and is not a drug. It is safe for children to use them. Of course, they are NOT meant to be ingested or used for without discretion.

  • Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to SOA Hologram Stickers?

No. There are no known side effects. The SOA Hologram Stickers do not introduce any drug, chemicals or new substances into the body. It works by helping to balance and help influence the way the body/ vortex at information level to encourage frequencies to resonate and self-repair at its optimal level.  The end goal is to balance the body, the vortex to allow self-healing and optimal resonance.

  • Are there any side effects?

The SOA Hologram Stickers are non-toxic and tested that they contain NO chemicals.

  • Do I take off the SOA Hologram Stickers at night or when I shower?

No, you can leave the SOA Hologram Stickers on as long as you feel comfortable with them. They are waterproof, and do not lose the effectiveness during a shower. However, should they come off in the shower, you will need to replace them.

  • What happens when the SOA Hologram Stickers peel off or lose their adhesiveness?

Unfortunately, when the SOA Hologram Stickers get peeled off or lose their adhesiveness, they will lose the information programmed within it. You will have to replace it with a new sticker.

  • Is there a maximum number of SOA Hologram Stickers that I can use?

There is no MAXIMUM number, but again, there are instructions that come with each SOA. Please read and use them with discretion.

  • What if the SOA Hologram Stickers does not seem to work on me?
  1. Each SOA Hologram Sticker is programmed with specific information programming to target particular lifestyle preferences and needs. As all of us are driven by energy and have our unique frequencies and blueprint, the effects of the SOA Hologram Stickers may vary for different people.
  2. It is possible for some people to experience immediate benefits, while others may realize their results over time. We do recommend using the SOAs for at least a week.
  • How should I store my SOA Hologram Stickers?

We recommend cool and dry places.

  • I would like to try out your Aura Reading Service, which should I go for?

There are 3 levels that cater to your needs:

  1. Level 1.

The Aura Scanning & 22-page report:

The introductory level of understanding your energies: beneficial for understanding your aura colour, size & more.

  1. Level 2.

The in-depth 20min Aura Reading & Analysis with The Aura Master:

Level 1 + with the Aura Master’s decades of experience, she will help to reveal your true energetic blueprint to you & identify any opportunities or blockages within your energy field.

  1. Level 3.

75-minute Power Alchemy Consultation(PAC) with The Aura Master:

And for clients who wish for clarity and direction in their lives, we’d recommend this level that covers both the in-depth Aura Reading & Analysis + work out breakthrough strategies & immediate ‘to-dos’ for more success in your chosen area. (Popular areas would be career, finance, relationships)

Is there a printed copy of the Aura Scanning & 22-page report?

The Aura Scanning & 22-page report is a PDF report will be sent to your email on the same day, it's not a printed copy.

  • How long does the session takes?

The session takes 10-30mins per pax & includes:

- Aura Scanning + highlight of your aura & chakras (5-10mins)

- Complimentary 20-min Chakra Energizing Therapy for a quick recalibration 

  • Do we need to make an appointment?

Walk-ins are subject to availability, it's best to make an appointment to secure your slot- do you have a preferred day/time?

  •  What session should I go for as a first timer?

For 1st-timers, we’d recommend the most popular: 75-minutes Consultation that covers:

  1. With the Aura Master's decades of experience, she will help to reveal your true energetic blueprint to you & identify any opportunities or blockages within your energy field in an in-depth Aura Reading & Analysis.
  2. The remaining time of the session is where you can seek clarity on anything- With Selina Seah’s ability to cut the clutter out of all the doubts & give you clear intuitive insights to reveal your perceptions, you’ll be offered different options and guidelines to help you better navigate through a difficult situation.

(Popular areas would be career, finance, relationships)

Many clients love the fact that they get to spend more time with Selina Seah as they are able to glean and benefit through Selina Seah’s informative yet defining way of mentoring and guidance.

A 22-page Aura & Chakra report is included in the session as well. Please contact +65 9889 2486 to book your session today. Due to high demand, we recommend booking 1-2 months in advance. 

  •  What does the 1st session with Selina include?

The 75mins session with The Aura Master, Selina Seah,  covers both the in-depth Aura Reading & Analysis + work out breakthrough strategies & immediate ‘to-dos’ for more success in your chosen area. (Popular areas would be career, finance, relationships)

It broadly consists of 3 parts: 

  1. 🧭 Your ‘GPS’: Where you are energetically- is it radiating success or blockages? 

Using the methodology of Aura Scanning 'GPS' deep dive Analysis, Selina Seah will help GPS you to where you are energetically, before helping you ‘google map’ your current situation. Her ability to give you clear intuitive insights is very helpful to reveal your perceptions, offer different options and guidelines to help you better navigate through a difficult situation.

This is where her clients get to see their energetic and emotional geography. It is being able to understand one’s emotional blueprint and energy health. (This is also where the auras and chakras come in.)

  1. 🗺️ The ‘Google Map’: Opportunities or Obstacles in your energetic environment 

Selina Seah helps the client see their ‘current situation’ through her readings via energy cards. She does not believe in prophecy but believes that there are definitely patterns we can see and track, and helps clients see the blind spots to for a stronger and clearer navigation of success.

  1. 🛣️ The ‘Deep Dive’: Breakthrough strategies & immediate ‘to-dos’ for more success in your chosen area 

The last part of the session is important as clients will undergo an in-depth navigation process of clarity, competency and confidence thus achieving the breakthrough and success they desire.

For first-time clients, You will also receive a 22-page detailed report after your session with Selina Seah.

  • Who are Selina’s CLIENTS?

Selina has helped thousands of people who were struggling in life, relationships, and/or business.  Her clients include:

  1. Professionals
  2. CEOs
  3. Celebrities
  4. Students
  5. Doctors
  6. Healers and psychics

Do you feel anxiety or uncertainty about the direction of your life, relationships, or business? Would you like a custom-tailored success and emotional blueprint that will help you get MORE of what matters most to you?

Whether you’ve been struggling for a while, just encountered a new obstacle, or are ready to rise to a higher level, Selina can help you.


  • How Does SELINA help her CLIENTS?

If the “rat race” has left you feeling drained or disconnected, then Selina offers you a “total transformation" that allows you to:

  1. Discover your true PURPOSE
  2. Boost your MOTIVATION and inspiration
  3. Get your SUCCESS blueprint
  4. Gain CLARITY to make better decisions
  5. Lead a life of success and HAPPINESS
  6. Keep up with and stay ahead of CHANGES
  7. Find out about your ENERGY field (Auras and Chakras)


  • What positive results does Selina’s CLIENTS experience?

Selina wastes no time. Instead, she dives quickly into your past, looks at your present situation, and then delivers strategies for your desired future. This is why after their consultation, her clients begin to experience amazing results such as:   

  1. Less Stress
  2. Increased Energy
  3. More Money
  4. More Clients
  5. Better Quality of Life
  6. Better Relationships
  7. Purposeful Living
  8. Greater Success

Selina helps you to enjoy more of what you love – whether health, fitness, beauty, business, or financial freedom.

Together, you will strategise and develop a powerful plan to achieve your goal, vision, and dreams. You’ll have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions regarding any aspect of your life you want.  And you’ll walk away with:

  1. A BIRD’S-EYE VIEW of your current situation
  2. INSIGHTS on your family, relationships, career, and  ‘future’
  3. CLARITY of your current ‘physical life’ problems (issues)
  • What can Selina tell me from my AURA and CHAKRAs?

Looking at your aura and the state of your chakras, Selina is able to get an accurate picture of:

  • How you deal with your emotions
  • How you communicate
  • How grounded you are
  • Your level of intuition and personal power
  • And much more!

In your session, you’ll discover specific blockages from the past that hold you back from the life you deserve.

And as a bonus, when your personal session concludes, you’ll also get a powerful 22-page report. Included in your unique report is information of your chakras, auras, and colour personality. 

This valuable 22-page report is in addition to that game-changing revelations Selina only provides to you during your personal in-depth consultation.

Clients who have experience Selina’s Aura and Chakra Consultation enjoy more energy, personal power, and success!

  • WHAT are Intuitive Readings?

It’s IMPORTANT to make one point first - INTUITIVE LIVING is nothing close to “MAGIC.” It’s not hocus-pocus. Yet, your mastery of this skill, especially in the 21st century will create MAGIC in your LIVES.

Selina’s approach helps you live 100% in the physical and 100% in the spiritual dimensions of life – thus 200%. And, to achieve this 200%, you need the “right” answers.

Selina offers you her unique gift of uncovering and delivering the “right answers” to your most demanding questions. Although not a ‘fortune teller,” Selina utilises a variety of proven approaches during your personal consultation to provide you with a life-changing 'intuitive' view.

With the help of Selina’s intuitive readings, you’ll:

  1. Finally, identify your purpose
  2. Gain crystal-clear clarity
  3. Achieve a better understanding of yourself
  4. Discover great solutions to your problems or issues

Clients who take advantage of Selina’s intuitive ‘intelligence’ and track record of working with very successful people, get realistic and proven strategies to help them experience success!


Many of Selina’s clients, prior to working with her, only experienced momentary and fleeting moments of positivity from reading self-help books and attending positive mindset seminars. Then before they knew it, their feelings were thrown back into the ‘dumps.’

That’s why Selina teaches her clients that no matter how good the water (self-help book or seminar), if you pour it into a dirty or muddy pipe (yourself), then muddy water will inevitably come out the other end.

For that reason, during your personal consultation, your unique blockages (dirt and mud) are identified in order to first PURIFY the ‘pipe’.

You’ll also:

  1. Identify your strengths
  2. Discover your gifts
  3. Boost your confidence
  4. Enhance your ability to focus
  5. Protect your “sacred space”
  6. Find your inner power
  7. And much more!

Clients who receive Selina’s Success Coaching experience impressive results. Selina helps you to quickly and easily:

  1. Make improvements in your life
  2. Find true mastery
  3. Enhance your awareness
  4. Promote more loving relationships
  5. Succeed in business
  • Can I engage Selina to SPEAK at my event?

For staff training, corporate event, or retreat-  please refer to our Corporate seminar for more information.


Please make a purchase via this link here, we’ll reach out via whatsapp +65 9889 2486 for booking.

  • Which Therapy service should I go for?

There are currently 2 levels you can opt for:

  1. Level 1: 

Essential recharge in 15 mins: Chakra Energizing Therapy

  1. Level 2:

Overall chakra balancing with Chakra Light Therapy.

  • How do I qualify to be an Aura Consultant?

You may apply here