
What is aura and chakra balancing?

Aura and chakras are integral components of the human energy system. Aura refers to the subtle electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates an individual’s body. It contains information about a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Your aura is akin to a second skin that permeates with natural disease-fighting chemistry, and it hosts the sensory communications of the nervous system. It is the boundary between your personal energy system and the energy of the environment

On the other hand, chakras are the energy centers within the body, which are interconnected and aligned along the spinal column. These chakras are responsible for the distribution and flow of energy throughout the body.

By balancing and harmonizing the chakras, individuals can enhance their overall health and promote a sense of balance and well-being on multiple levels. Understanding and working with the aura and chakras can contribute to a holistic approach to wellness and self-discovery.

In-Depth Discovery & Coaching With The Aura Master

Up close & personal with The Aura Master & No.1 Best-Selling Author

Selina Seah is the leading certified specialist in the area of personal transformation. As The Aura Master, she has spent decades perfecting the art of personal empowerment, helping CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, actors & industry leaders achieve greater success, abundance & fulfillment.

Her sessions deep-dives into why you carry certain energies, your hidden potentials & shadow self that holds you back. If you want to go to the root of why career stagnates, relationships fail or just how to improve your general life- you’re at the place of transformation.

AURA MASTER services

Corporate Services

Corporate Retreat

Human Resource Profiling

Team building Seminar

Keynote Seminar

Recruitment Seminar

Entrepreneur DNA Seminar

Private Engagements

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Certification Services

Energy Alchemy Masterclass

Franchising Masterclass

Business Masterclass

Chief Energy Optimizer Retreat

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Trusted By Industry Leaders

“I am very amazed by the accuracy of the AVS…it's like getting an internal health report!”

Glynis Tan
Winner Mrs Singapore 2010

“I find the aura report…very comprehensive and helpful in understanding my current condition physically, emotionally like the chakra size and explanation”

Yvonne Mun
Business Controller

"My boy was so stressed out during his PSLE period... We tried reiki regularly before knowing about Chakra Energizing EnerTherapy, and this works so much better! My boy gets perfectly balanced chakras after every Chakra Energizing EnerTherapy and the effects last for a week! We've been coming every weekend since then and my boy has been more focused, energized!"

Financial Consultant

“I was feeling really down after a serious breakup... unloved, depressed & blaming myself for every mistake I had made in that relationship. I came across The AuraChakra Company by chance, and wanted to take my mind off things... was really surprised that they offered Self-Love EnerTherapy and the staff said that it’s really good if I needed an extra dose of love and acceptance! I skeptically tried it and was so surprised at how soothing, relaxing and gentle the therapy was! I felt so emotional throughout that I was on the verge of tears when it ended. 20 minutes of Self-Love EnerTherapy and I felt lighter, clearer and so much better than I had been feeling for the past month! Thank you so much...It was just what I needed...”

J. Lim

"There is Science to Selina’s improve & make paradigm shifts for my health, career, business, relationship & everything!"

Mitch Carson
Celebrity Speaker & Author

"I would firstly like to Thank Selina Seah for being a guide and mentor to me. Dave and I have truly benefited from the sessions we have had with you. It always motivated me and gave me a clearer picture on my work and relationships.

I was having so much trouble at work and was at a very low point in my life. I never imagined myself working anywhere else as I had been at the same place for 7 years. Not only you gave me self confidence but also motivated me to start looking at other opportunities which I would not have thought possible. With your motivation and guidance, today my salary has risen by 35% and I have a clear picture of what I need to do for myself and my family...Thank you Selina Seah."

Senior Bank Executive