
We offer a range of tested products here at The Aura Chakra Company, all specially formulated to harness different energies for different needs. Learn about the types of products that we carry or find the products that suits your lifestyle or needs.

Activate Your Protection, Success & Holistic Well-Being

With QuantumEasy Stick-Ons Stickers

Beyond the world of energy and the physical world, lies the world of Quantum Information – 
Where a desired transformation can be instantly activated at Quantum level & manifest into our physical world.

Our QuantumEasy Stick-on-apps (SOAs) embed specialized Quantum Programmed information to facilitate quantum transformation in every area of one’s life – be it health, career, relationships and finances.

These SOAs have the power to restore balance and harmony within your emotional, energetic & physical systems, help route coincidences, opportunities and remove obstacles so you can be vibrationally aligned with the prosperous life you deserve.

  • Tested & Proven, No known side effects
Our products have been tested & proven by professional labs and multiple independent sources. You can view Lab test results here.
  • All SOAs are NCPST-enabled (Non-Contamination Protection & Sealed Technique) against contamination & corruption of information.
“Quantum Easy is all about going back to our original state of potential. To be the creators and designers of our true blueprint program. Every minute of every day and night, awake or in slumber, we are constantly programming and designing our own mind and body.”

Artisan Alchemy Solutions For Your Energy Needs

High Vibrational Frequency Energizers

Energetically, we vibrate at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy and heavier your problems may exist.

HVF Energizers can supercharge your energetic and immune systems. We use specially harvested premium essential oil, potentised with crystal energies, powered by quantum technology, powercharged with power affirmations and mixed by artisan alchemist aura master Selina Seah.

HVF Energizers are tested and proven to be hundreds of times stronger than pure essential oils.

  • SGS-tested, non-GMO, 100% vegan, cruelty-free, Certificate of Analysis (COA) for base essential oils