The Aura Master's Annual Forecast is a month-by-month analysis to Winning Strategies for a Breakthrough Year– based on your Energy Blueprint, Tarot analysis and oracle readings.
Forecast 2025 offers personalised insights & interpretations into the near future– a forecast & planner of your upcoming year into every single month, what to watch out for and how to elevate your position to thrive, be it in your career path, business, relationships or even well-being.
2025 Forecast has closed, 2026 Forecast waitlist has opened- to join waitlist, please WhatsApp us + 65 9889 2486
Includes the following components:
Year Of The Hermit
My Energy Blueprint
12 Monthly Forecast
Annual Plan
Energy Themes For this Year
What's In a Session + Benefits
A yearly forecast is a combination of guidance from your Energy Blueprint, Tarot Analysis and Oracle Readings to help you:
1. Get crystal clear guidance and intuitive insight for the year ahead
2. Navigate the year with flow and ease as you plan your year in alignment with natural cycles
3. Set conscious intentions in line with your values, deepest desires and inner wisdom
4. Stay on-purpose and motivated with regular, mindful reflection activities
5. Manifest your goals and intentions with aligned action
How to Redeem
Redeem in person @ our office (address in Contact)
Remote sessions are also available on zoom/skype
After purchase, Whatsapp us at (+65) 9889 2486 for appointment
Anyone wanting more clarity into what the next year holds
Wanting to plan your year with better clarity, certainty
Power Signature Total Transformation
Triple Prosperity Gems
Wealth Wallet Activation
CNY Lou Hei Kit
Aura Energizer Gold
I always go for my yearly review… The forecast allowed me to see things in a very different perspective. It provided clarity to matters which easily get hidden in one's thoughts… and covered points which we may easily overlook.
...Didn't expect a monthly outlook in such details…12 monthly forecast that provides me guidance notes and sets me into reflection to plan ahead.
The forecast was well structured with a first overview, and then specific to some points we want to work on or have been working on. After which went on to a look-in month by month then finally summarised with the Archetypes energies where we were given the direction theme of the year.
This is my second time doing the Forecast and I feel that it helps me to put things into perspective…12 months forecast helps you to plan ahead and maximise the best months and minimise the impact on the not so great months.
…I really appreciate Selina’s advice and am constantly amazed at her ability to be astute and to the point with her intuition in guiding me through my own blind spots. She is like the beacon of light with loads of timely advice required for one going through any form of transformation.
© Copyright AuraChakra Company 2024.