Wealth Energizer (10ml)

Wealth Energizer (10ml)
Wealth Energizer (10ml)
Wealth Energizer (10ml)
Wealth Energizer (10ml)
Wealth Energizer (10ml)
Wealth Energizer (10ml)

Wealth Energizer (10ml)

A rich and sacred formula sealed with high vibrations of wealth and frequencies of abundance. Energize, influence & impact your aura with this quantum-charged blend to magnetize, attract & manifest your abundance today.

Also available in GOLD with supercharged benefits.

Regular price$98.00

<p>A rich and sacred formula sealed with high vibrations of wealth and frequencies of abundance. Energize, influence &amp; impact your aura with this quantum-charged blend to magnetize, attract &amp; manifest your abundance today.</p>

<p>Also available in GOLD with supercharged benefits.</p>

• Manifest your desired results at a much faster rate
• Instantly boost the efficiency of your sales/deals
• Boost your motivation & focus
• Attract your ideal clients & opportunities
• Switch from ‘poverty mindset’ to ‘prosperity mindset’
• Enhances your confidence & self-worth
• Increase wealth energies in your aura/anointed personal effects
• Magnetise wealth & abundance to you

o Apply 2-3 drops of the energizer onto your palm and rub your hands together.
o Cup your hands together, inhale deeply(X3) & ensuring your abdomen expand outwards when inhaling.
o Using a brushing motion, sweep your hands over your head, arms, underarms, legs, front & back.
o Visualize yourself in the Golden Fountain of Abundance.
a. Soak up the richness and goodness of the ever-flowing abundance of the Golden Fountain of Abundance.
b. Feel rejuvenated and rich in all areas of your life.
c. Feel your Health, Your Wealth and Your Relationships grow in abundance and happiness whilst having gratitude for all you have now.
d. Say the affirmations below with trust & focus.
i. I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people’s lives.
ii. There is an endless supply of abundance and riches out there for me everyday.
iii. I respect money and I understand it’s importance and energy.
iv. I am an excellent money manager.
v. I bless my bank account and each cheque I write.
vi. I am a generous giver and excellent receiver.
vii. I am a magnet for lucrative opportunities I am always in a state of abundance.
viii. I am a professional and successful.
ix. I attract like-minded rich and successful people.
x. I am truly grateful for all that I have now.
xi. I ask good questions and great guidance come to me always.
xii. I awaken each morning feeling well and in a positive state of being.
xiii. Revenue is energy and it's here to serve me.
e. Indulge in the relaxing & rejuvenating experience for as long as you prefer.

Other ways to apply:
o Cleanse & Charge Wealth Crystals/Crystals For Solar Plexus/Lower Chakras (For smaller/jewelry-sized crystals, drip 2-3 drops of HVF Energizer onto the crystal & rub it evenly on the surface of the crystal to cleanse & charge. Optional to wipe the HVF Energizer off afterwards)
o Room Spray (In a spray bottle, mix 5-8 drops of HVF Energizer with 80ml of clean water)
o Diffuse in your burner / diffuser of choice
o Hand/Body Wash (Choose organic, unperfumed Hand/Body Wash for best results)
o Bath Oil (Drip 10-15 drops of HVF Energizer in your bath, optional to mix in bath salts, flowers)
o Anoint on your wallet / lucky note/ personal effects of choice to attract more wealth
o Mix with massage oils to better release tension & stress, and to improve overall circulation
o Drip 1/2 of HVF Energizer onto your mask to constantly breathe in high vibrations when you’re wearing your mask

When To Apply
• Before an important meeting.
• Before a meditation to manifest your desired goal.
• Anytime you’d like to complete a task.
• To manifest results faster.
• Anointing your wallet or a lucky note for more wealth.

• Anyone in sales
• Anyone who struggles to manifest more wealth despite working hard
• Anyone who struggles with lethargy & feeling unmotivated at work
• Anyone who deals with confidence & image issues
• Anyone who has deadlines & wishes to complete projects faster & more efficiently
• Anyone who struggles with a ‘poverty mindset’
• Children who lack focus/motivation during studying or before exams

• For Your Daily Positivity & Recharge: Aura Energizer
• For Overall Success & Luck: Triple Prosperity Gems
• For Attracting more Customers: Customer Attractor
• For Overall Protection Against Negativity: Psychic Shield Bodyguard

Customers’ testimonials

“I have felt the results of Wealth Energizer first hand- first month I used this -more motivation & focused when I’m rushing projects. My bosses even noticed the huge leap in my performance!”

“Sales increased by 30% the month I diffused this in my office! Clients all love the scent!”

“The Wealth Energizer gives me the extra dose of abundance that I require for my job!”

“I definitely see a huge improvement in all areas of my life- sleep, work, positivity…etc, after using the Energizers!”

“The HVF Energizers always gave me a boost of confidence before going onto stage! A ‘must buy item!”

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